Arguments contains: position
Arguments contains: ch - the character added (as an int)
Arguments contains: ch - the key code, modifiers, elements from the KEYMOD enum
Arguments contains: position (in the file), modifiers (from KEYMOD), line, line number
Arguments contains: position, modificationType (a set of flags from MODIFICATIONFLAGS), text, length, linesAdded, line, foldLevelNow, foldLevelPrev, annotationLinesAdded (only for MODIFICATIONFLAGS.CHANGEANNOTATION), token (only for MODIFICATIONFLAGS.CONTAINER)
Arguments contains: message, wParam, lParam
Arguments contains: margin
Note: Because Scintilla events are processed by Python asynchronously, care must be taken if handling a callback for this event - the window may have just been painted, or it may have been painted again since etc.
Arguments contains: text, listType, position
Arguments contains: position, x, y
Arguments contains: position, x, y
Arguments contains: position, modifiers (from the KEYMOD enum)
Arguments contains: position
Arguments contains: text, position
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID
Arguments contains: bufferID, readonly, and dirty. dirty is set to True if the file is currently marked as dirty.
Arguments contains: commandID, key, isCtrl, isAlt and isShift.
Arguments contains: bufferID