Interface for Other PluginsΒΆ

For plugin authors, you can run Python scripts and expressions by calling Python Script remotely. For this we use the Notepad++ message NPPM_MSGTOPLUGIN.

I’ll give instructions for C / C++, other languages you’ll need to convert the interface to - any submissions for other languages are welcome!

First #include "PythonScript/NppPluginScript.h" from the PythonScriptinclude directory in the source archive. The following instructions are also contained in this file.

A struct is defined in this file called PythonScript_Exec. This struct has a few members as follows.:

struct PythonScript_Exec
        /// PythonScript_Exec structure version - must always be 1
        int structVersion;

        /// Python Script (for PYSCR_EXECSTATEMENT) or absolute filename (for PYSCR_EXECSCRIPT)
        TCHAR *script;

        /** HANDLE to an event created with CreateEvent.  This event is signalled (with SetEvent)
         *  when the script has completed.
         *  This can be NULL, in which case no event is signalled
         *  Important: Do NOT wait on the handle on the thread that Notepad++ runs on
         *  (ie. the plugin default thread) unless you really know what you are doing :)
         *  It will almost certainly deadlock (as Scintilla or N++ may need to process a message)

        HANDLE completedEvent;

        /** Flags for running the script
         *  Combination of PYSCRF_xxxxx constants
        int flags;

        /** PythonScripts sets this to TRUE when the PythonScript plugin
         *  has successfully received the message.
         *  Note that a TRUE here does NOT mean the script has run, or ran without
         *  errors, merely that the script has been added to the queue to run
         *  You should set this to FALSE initially, and check for TRUE when SendMessage() returns.
        BOOL deliverySuccess;

There are two messages you can use - PYSCR_EXECSCRIPT and PYSCR_EXECSTATEMENT. For the first, you pass the absolute filename of the script you wish to run, the second, you pass the statement directly.

Here’s a sample of how to call NPPM_MSGTOPLUGIN.:

void callPython()
        PythonScript_Exec pse;
        pse.structVersion = 1;

        HANDLE completeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

        pse.completedEvent = completeEvent;
        pse.deliverySuccess = FALSE;

        TCHAR script[] = _T("e:\\");
        pse.script = script;
        pse.flags = PYSCRF_SYNC;

        TCHAR pluginName[] = _T("PythonScript.dll");
        CommunicationInfo commInfo;
        commInfo.internalMsg = PYSCR_EXECSCRIPT;
        commInfo.srcModuleName = _T("MyPlugin.dll"); = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&pse);

        BOOL delivery = SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_MSGTOPLUGIN, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(pluginName), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&commInfo));
        if (!delivery)
                MessageBox(NULL, _T("Python Script not found"), _T("Msg2PluginTester"), 0);

        if (pse.deliverySuccess)
                MessageBox(NULL, _T("Delivery Success"), _T("Msg2PluginTester"), 0);
                MessageBox(NULL, _T("Delivery FAILED!"), _T("Msg2PluginTester"), 0);

        // Optionally now start a thread to wait for the completion
        CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)threadRun, (LPVOID)completeEvent, 0, NULL);

void threadRun(HANDLE waitEvent)
        WaitForSingleObject(waitEvent, INFINITE);
        MessageBox(NULL, _T("Finished!"), _T("I waited..."), 0);

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